My Immortal Friendships
I’m not sure what I would do without them
My friends
The wild northern star gazers
The animal heads and the element souls
My friends with the fucked up slang and the bruised condolences
My friends with their art and their pity and their smiles and their glory and their
Confused rambling and their raves till 4 am and their drugs and their peace signs and their
Hugs when I see them after its been months and the beers shared and
The port drank and the wine guzzled and the smokes smoldering
Bonfire blazes and cigars and blunts and joints and cigarillos and cigarettes
I don’t know what I’d be without you all
You maniacs you sonsofbitches you
Sexy devils with the hearts of epochs swelling each breath and gasp and belly laugh
The hollering nonsense and the deep anomalous truths we share
Between the hysterical fantasy thoughts and giggling school children jokes
Without your jeering and loving
Man I’d be so lost
I’d be just another one of them
Careless in my cage and frenzied over my hamster wheel and the
Snickering neath my water bottle where droplets drip on my exhausted dragging tongue
Whooo! but we know nothing of cages
We are the void
The interdimensional galactic lightning cloaked heroes
The moondipped singing orangutan chimps dancing from treetop to cave mouth to the riverside
Psychedelic mobile inside the hippocampal neural fireworks theater
We perform for each other each time the stars scoop and sustain the night to digg the fevers
Delusional and illusionary musketeers saunter the midnight revel
Blasted and rooted…….
…….Shit what I’d do to have you all next to me at this very karmic instant
Washing the dharma of preconceptions and bouncing koans off the trees that feel the
Walloped harmonic dissonance across the ageless vast cosmos
Beyond the lucid phantoms from our childhood nightmares and
Our runaway’s dreams and our forgotten scars and our suicide escapades
And our parties and our illicit tastes and our extravaganza ambitions and our
Once in a lifetime friendships
Impossible and unborn
Intangible and fleeting
Ghosts and aliens
Freaks and the very last band of merry thieving troubadours left in the multiverse
I love you all more than this blotted scramble can commune
I love you more than all the memories we have together tied tight
I love you more than I love myself and that’s what helps me love thyself more
Than anything and everything
Thee love for my brothers, my friends, my sisters, my pitiful glory proud heaven humble hellfire
Till the last song, till the rains come